FCCLA » FCCLA District I Meeting

FCCLA District I Meeting

On December 13th, students from District I schools (Marianna High School, Holmes County High School, Bethlehem High School, Malone High School, Altha Public School, and Ponce de Leon High School gathered at Marianna High School. All the members stood as we said the pledge and national anthem. We then had a student come to the stage and give a 'Thought for the day," which was very inspiring. We then listened to 2018-2019 office candidates give a speech on why we should vote for them.During intermission, which is after the speeches and before the actual voting, we have a talent show. We had 5 people compete, 3 won silver and 2 won gold. Voting delegates from each District 1 school then voted on their favorite candidate for each office. The winners include: State President-Elect, Levi Kimbrell (Altha), State Level Office, Kynzie Strickland (Bethlehem), District Chairperson, Kase Hill (Altha), District Reporter, Tayler Chusko (Altha), District Seceretary, Ariqanna Sasnett (HCHS), District Historian, Morgan MacTavish (Altha)